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Whether you’re interested in using solar panels for your home or business, you want to ensure you understand how installing them will impact your energy bills. Knowing how to maintain your system in peak condition is also important.

Tax Credits

Whether you’re new to solar energy or an old pro, you may wonder how installing solar panels can save you money on energy bills. You can take advantage of several tax credits that will reduce the cost of installing a solar system. You can also save money with utility company rebates and other incentives. The solar investment tax credit (ITC) is a federal tax credit that allows you to deduct up to 30 percent of the cost of installing a solar PV system. The credit is available to taxpayers of all income levels. It is designed to encourage solar adoption and cheaper clean electricity powered by renewables. Solar tax credits are designed to reduce the cost of installing a solar system, but they can’t eliminate your federal taxes. You’ll still need to report all of your income on your federal tax return. In addition, the credit rolls over from year to year, so you can use it for multiple years.

Resale Value

Getting a home solar panel installed can add to a home’s value. It can also help homeowners save on property taxes, energy costs, and utility bills. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, homeowners who install solar panels can increase the value of their homes by nearly $16,000, which can be used to offset the cost of a new home. But, it sometimes needs to be clarified how much value a solar panel adds to a home. The most important factor in determining the value of a solar panel is whether or not the homeowner owns the system. The resale value of a home solar panel will vary from state to state, but home sellers will generally receive a premium for a home with a solar system. Appraisers can use an online tool called PV Value to determine the resale value of solar panels.  According to the NREL, a solar panel adds $20 to a home’s value for every dollar it saves on energy costs. This means that if a homeowner saves $400 on utility bills, a home’s value can increase by $8,000. This is a great benefit for homeowners and is certainly a wise move.

Installing Solar Panels

Saving Money

Adding solar panels to a home can reduce the energy bills of homeowners. There are some factors that determine the size of the savings. Among them are the size of the panels, the location of the house, the amount of sunlight, and the number of hours of direct sunlight. In addition to the energy savings, homeowners are rewarded with a few tax credits, such as the Residential Renewable Energy Federal Tax Credit, which can reduce the cost of a solar installation by nearly one-third. The electricity price has been rising over the past two decades. In the United States, the average household uses 10,649 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year. In 2021, the average household will pay $1,417 for electricity. The most obvious benefits of installing solar panels are energy savings. In the long term, the most substantial savings are in the form of tax deductions. The Federal Tax Credit for Residential Renewable Energy provides a 30% reimbursement of the cost of a solar system.

Keeping Your System in Peak Condition

Keeping your solar panel system in peak condition will help keep your energy bills minimum. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that a home that uses solar power can save up to $700 per year. This will help add value to your home and lower your overall electric bill. A solar battery storage system will allow you to store your excess energy at night. To keep your solar panel system in peak condition, you must clean it of debris, snow, and other items. Then, you can monitor the amount of electricity your system produces and make repairs if needed. There are also apps available that can show you the energy your system produces and alert you if your system is malfunctioning. There are also different types of solar panel systems available. They range from those that can handle coastal weather systems to those that can handle all climates. The amount of energy your solar panels produce depends on the weather in your area. Your utility company may offer you credit if your system generates more electricity than your home needs. This credit will help you pay for your excess solar energy. However, you must keep your solar panels in peak condition to receive this credit. You can also choose to keep your solar panels in peak condition by maintaining them. You can do this from the ground or your roof. In addition, you can purchase warranties for your solar panels to ensure you get your money’s worth.